06. Quiz: Countdown, Liftoff! (4-3)

NASA's countdown to launch includes checkpoints where NASA engineers complete certain technical tasks. During the final minute, NASA has 6 tasks to complete:

  • Orbiter transfers from ground to internal power (T-50 seconds)
  • Ground launch sequencer is go for auto sequence start (T-31 seconds)
  • Activate launch pad sound suppression system (T-16 seconds)
  • Activate main engine hydrogen burnoff system (T-10 seconds)
  • Main engine start (T-6 seconds)
  • Solid rocket booster ignition and liftoff! (T-0 seconds)

NOTE: "T-50 seconds" read as "T-minus 50 seconds".


Write a while loop that counts down from 60 seconds and:

  • If there's a task being completed, it prints out the task
  • If there is no task being completed, it prints out the time as T-x seconds

Use the task and time descriptions described above.

Your Code:

Your output should look like the following:

T-60 seconds
T-59 seconds
T-58 seconds
T-51 seconds
Orbiter transfers from ground to internal power
T-49 seconds
T-3 seconds
T-2 seconds
T-1 seconds
Solid rocket booster ignition and liftoff!

Start Quiz:

 * Programming Quiz: Countdown, Liftoff! (4-3)
 * Using a while loop, print out the countdown output above.

// your code goes here


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